2006-12-03 5:01 am
本人想在美國YAHOO賣貨,但不知如何才能收到錢,是否一定要申請PAYPAL?另外還有什麼途徑又安全又手續費平? 貨價大約US$ 25.00 - US$ 150.00 THANK YOU..


多謝你們兩位,你們都幫到我好大忙,really appreciate..

回答 (2)

2006-12-17 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔使諗, 一定係 PAYPAL 最好. 此終 PAYPAL 都係現時黎講最 propular 既付款系統.
試諗下, PAYPAL 其實已經算係好平, 就算真係俾你搵到間再平 d, 都慳唔到幾多. 最大問題係, d 客大部份都係用 PAYPAL, 如你唔係用 PAYPAL 收錢, d 客未必願意為左買你 d 野而另外申請另一付款系統 (除非你賣既貨真係好特別啦). 所以, 此舉實在有點 "趕客" 成份 . . .

信用card 付款其實都好安全, 被騙機會好低, 不過, 如果真係發生左, 你都無計. . . 不過你銀碼唔太大, 損失有限. 如果有人掃貨, 做大單, 都係用 PAYPAL 穩陣.

2006-12-10 3:29 am
Paypal is your cheapest and most convenient way to accept money from overseas.

The other cheap method (no transaction fee to you) is by Western Union or Moneygram. But both cost high to your buyers so likely they won't like them.

2006-12-09 19:30:41 補充:
Besides Paypal, you can also register at moneybookers.comA similar tool to Paypal, less convenient but cost is low to you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:25:12
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