
2006-12-03 4:26 am

rock band好正都介紹下??

回答 (3)

2006-12-03 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rock band: Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Killers, Simple Plan, Muse, Foo Flighters

Rock Songs:
1. American Idiot - Green Day
2. Holiday - Green Day
3. Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
4. St. Jimmy - Green Day
5. Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
6. Helena - MCR
7. I'm not OK - MCR
8. Dead! - MCR
9. Welcome to Black Parade - MCR
10. Mama - MCR
11. Sleep - MCR
12. Teenagers - MCR
13. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
14. Sam's Town - The Killers
15. When You Where Young - The Killers
16. My List - The Killers
17. This River is Wide - The Killers
18. Why Do I Keep Conunting - The Killers
19. Shut Up! - Simple Plan
20. Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
21. Crazy - Simple Plan
22. I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan
23. In Your Honer - Foo Fighters
24. Best of You - Foo Fighters
..............many many.................
2006-12-03 7:27 pm
She No you -Jesse McCartney
I'm a terrible person - Rooney
2006-12-03 6:24 am
There's always classic rock.
The Rolling Stones is pretty good.
I recommend "You Can't Always Get What You Want".
參考: Me

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