
2006-12-03 4:20 am
" There is a lot of homework " & " There are a lot of homework "
Which one is correct?

回答 (5)

2006-12-03 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案

而「a lot of」可以跟「可數名詞」和「不可數名詞」連用。

單從文法來看﹐「There is a lot of homework」是正確﹐
「There are a lot of homework」是錯誤的。

不過﹐「There is a lot of homework」的句意不完整﹐
I have five pieces of homework to do.
參考: 我的學識
2006-12-03 4:39 am
The first one
" There is a lot of homework"
As homework is an uncountable noun.
An uncountable noun can't follow any indefinite articles (That mean " a or an")
And the verb should be singular.
So "There is a lot of homework" is correct
參考: Me
2006-12-03 4:33 am
There is a lot of homework is correct.
2006-12-03 4:25 am
Since " homework " is uncountable, of course using " is " is correct.
But you can say: " There are 3 pieces of homework ".
2006-12-03 4:24 am
There are a lot of homework is correct
Because a lot of homework is "plural" so use "there" are is the correct

2006-12-03 00:04:04 補充:
There are a lot of homework is correctBecause a lot of homework is ;plural so use there are is the correct

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