Calculator formula problems

2006-12-03 3:26 am
Tell me all formulas of the calculator:
Casio Fx-50F(23)
Casio Fx 50F Plus(40)
Truly Sc-111(39)
For example:
Fx 50F has Factorize,Heron Formula, Cosine formula, Comlomb laws.......
Answer at lease 2 of these calculators or else you won't receive any mark.

Or anything you like about the calc.......(especially the Fx-50F) No answer??Haha......

回答 (1)

2006-12-06 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Casio fx-50F plus 沒有40個formulas,只有40個constants,fx-50F plus 的program library 同fx-50F相同只有 23 個formula,而formula好似是一樣,有關 fx-50F的formula,可以睇以下網址:
23 formula 即是以下內容:
1. 一元二次方程(I) (Quadratic equations I)
2. 餘弦定律(I) (Cosine laws I)
3. 希羅公式 (Heron's Formula)
4. 標準常態分佈概率(I) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation I)
5. 標準常態分佈概率(II) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation II)
6. 庫倫定律 (Coulomb's law)
7. 導電體電阻 (Resistance of a conductor)
8. 磁力 (Magnetic force)
9. RC電路中R的終端電壓 (Change in terminal voltage of R in RC series circuit)
10. 電壓增益 (Voltage gain)
11. LRC串聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC series circuit)
12. LRC並聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC parallel circuit)
13. 電震動頻率 (Frequency of electric oscillation)
14. 下降距離 (Distance of drop)
15. 單擺周期 (Cycle of simple pendulum)
16. 彈簧擺周期 Cycle of spring pendulum)
17. 多普勒效應 (Doppler effect)
18. 理想氣體定律 (Equation of state of ideal gas)
19. 離心力 (Centrifugal force)
20. 彈能 (Elastic energy)
21. 伯努利定律 (Bernoulli's theorem)
22. 視距計算(I) (Calculations Using a Stadia I)
23. 視距計算(II) (Calculations Using a Stadia II)

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