economics question 幫幫我

2006-12-03 1:48 am
why do countries have different comparartive advantages in producing goods and services ? explain why it is more economical for hong kong to specialize in light industries than heavy industries .

回答 (3)

2006-12-03 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
different countries have different productivitiesof different goods and services.some countries may have better quality or more raw materials,labour, and economic system.
so the opportunity cost of the same good or service is dirrerent in different countries
heavy industries need a large piece of flat land for setting up the plant,but the relife in hk is hilly. area in hk is small . it is not suitable for hk developung heavy industry.
also,hk does not have iron ,coal or other energy for developing heavy ind.

on the other hand ,light ind require the large supply of labour for the production.the population in hk os large ,and the edu. level in hk is high .this is favourable to develope light ind.
moreover,hk is a cosmopolitian .income of hk citizens is high .therefore they are the potential costomers to the light ind.

仲有好多alternative ans
參考: 自己答案
2006-12-04 9:55 pm
Your teacher is asking a very outdated question.

Hong Kong has been moving from being a "light industry center" to "finance center" since 80's.

Surely the HKCEE and AL won't have this kind of old fasthion questions.

2006-12-03 3:26 am
Comparative Advantange 這個概念其實係又一位英國的經濟學家---David Ricardo大衛李嘉圖提出來的。他從經濟學之父亞當斯密(Adam Smith)的國富論(The Wealth of Nation)中,提出的專門化(分工合作,division of Labour)再引伸出每個人都有比較優勢,他們付出的勞力所付出的成本是不同的。假設有2個人A 和 B, A能做醫生或在工廠做車衣的。B能做車衣,或者做貨車工人。很明顯,A做車衣的機會成本(Opportunity cost)是較B高的。原因是A的能力較高,他的另外選擇能為他較B能有更高的收入。
假設香港同中東國家交易,香港輸出金融服務,而中東國家提供石油給香港,在大家專門化生產後再進行交易,其好處會遠遠勝過自己本土生產各種貨品,這就是Comparative advantage的厲害之處,因為countries之間有不同的成本(某程度是看各地方的才能),所以佢地有不同的comparative advantages
一.香港無足夠的resources in Heavy Industries(唔夠地方,唔夠人才,唔夠raw material,生產技術等等)
因此我地可以見到,如果要發展輕工業,佢就需要付出很多人力物力等resources去生產一件重工業product,但輕工業卻相反。與其辛苦去生產一件自己不擅長的重工作,倒不如讓外國生產,然後購入會更經濟。而自己specialize in light industries 的效率會較heavy industry 高~
參考: 自己的意見

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