About Pascal Compiler(FreePascal)

2006-12-02 9:26 pm
May I ask if there is any advantage to use FreePascal as the compiler over the other compiler?
(This is for my coursework, as our school force us to use this as the compiler)

回答 (1)

2006-12-11 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
#Integrated development environment
Free Pascal comes with an IDE which work on several platforms, in which you can write, compile and debug your programs. You will save huge amounts of time using the IDE, the best programming friend you have.

#Great integration with assembler
You can easily mix assembler code and Pascal code, in the language you wish? Prefer Intel styled assembler? No problem, if it's needed Free Pascal will convert it to ATT for you. Do you want to convert your program into a source file for Nasm? No problem, and all ATT assembler in your source files is automatically converted.

Free Pascal's smart linker leaves out any variable or code that you do not use. That makes small programs small with a big S, while they are still statically linked, avoiding DLL hell!

#Distribution independence (Linux)
As a result of this, software compiled by the Linux version of Free Pascal runs on any Linux distribution, making it much, much, easier to make your software support multiple Linux distributions.

# Available for a lot of platforms on several architectures
Free Pascal is available for more platforms than most other Pascal compilers and allows easy cross-compiling, just change the target in the IDE and compile! And there is work going on for even more platforms and processors.

# Compatible Have existing code?
Free Pascal is more compatible with it than any other Pascal compiler. We are almost completely compatible with Turbo Pascal and quite well compatible with Delphi source code. If you have code in another language, like C or assembler, just use favorite compiler for it and call it from Free Pascal.

#Supporting another Language modes
Supported Language Modes:

* Mode FPC
* Mode Delphi
* Mode TP
* Mode GPC
* Mode MacPas

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