help me 翻譯 故事

2006-12-02 7:17 pm
Last week I went to the Bun Festival on Cheung Chau Island. However, I was amazed at how people left so much rubbish in the streets and on the beach after the festival finished. Hong Kong people ought to put their litter in rubbish bins and not on the ground. Dropping litter in the street makes our environment dirty and can attract mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches and flies. All of these animals can spread disease. This affects the health of Hong Kong people.

When I took the ferry to the island there was also a lot of rubbish in the sea. I even saw a sofa floating in the water. There were so many plastic bags - it was disgusting. Plastic bags are very harmful to the creatures that live in the sea.


Although it is a crime to drop litter, many people still do. The police do not seem to care. Last year I went to a beach in Hong Kong to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. The next day I went back to the beach and it was covered in rubbish.


People ought to be very careful when they throw away their plastic bags. Parents ought to teach their children to care about their environment but it seems that they think it is OK to drop litter wherever they want.


Of course, litter is not the only problem that affects our environment. Air pollution from factories and power stations is very bad. Also chemicals that farmers put on their vegetables to stop insects from eating them go into the rivers and make the water bad.


To stop the pollution of our environment the government ought to teach people to take more care of our earth.

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 7:35 pm
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我上星期到長洲看搶飽山(bun festival?)活動.
但令我感到驚訝的是, 為什麼那麼多人於搶飽山活動完畢後, 把垃圾棄置於沙灘上!
香港人應該把垃圾棄置於垃圾筒內, 而不是隨地亂拋.
亂拋垃圾會令環境污染及會滋生蚊蟲, 導致鼠患, 招來蟑螂及蒼蠅, 而這些動物和昆虫都是會傳播疾病的, 而這更會影響香港人的健康.
2006-12-02 7:40 pm
上星期去長洲看太平清照節日。但是, 我奇怪為何人們在節目完後留下了非常多的垃圾在街道和在海灘上。香港人應該把他們的廢棄物放在垃圾容器而不是在地面上。把垃圾留在街道, 使我們的環境十分骯髒, 並會吸引蚊子、鼠、蟑螂和飛行。所有這些動物能傳播疾病, 及影響人們的健康。

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