點解做了牙套後, 牙痛2個多月

2006-12-02 7:16 pm
點解做了牙套後, 牙痛2個多月

回答 (1)

2006-12-02 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2 reasons

(1) Because construcion of crown 牙套 need to remove the enamel to provide enough space to make crown. The dentine(2nd layer) is sensitive part......so after crowned the teeth, you will feel sensitive....... Try to use some sensitive tooth paste. Avoid to eat something too hot or too cold which cause stimulation of teeth.

(2) The 2nd problem is the bracteria go to the pulp.........the dentist can see the root of teeth though X-ray......then that teeth need to root canal treatmen(杜牙根, RCT)......but you can monitor it for half year.....if you still pain, advice you to visit the dentist again.

Why I advice you to monitor, because RCT is remove the life part from the root...the teeth will become dead...the teeth will become weaker....easy to break........so RCT
is the final decision to save the teeth......but if you feel very pain, you should do it.

Any problem you can ask me ga......hope it can help you.....
參考: I am a dental assistatn

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