
2006-12-02 11:05 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-02 2:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
種牙就係喺牙床上面加釘,在上面再做一隻假牙,﹝唔係真牙﹞因為係獨立嘅關係,所以唔需要把兩邊的好牙車去一大半,只需在缺口部位直接把牙齒裝上,好處是美觀、方便,但價錢昂貴! 大約$20,000一隻,而且不是永久,被種牙齒的壽命大概只有15至20年。

2006-12-06 2:41 am
Yes ~~~Kitt said is very true.....so I am not say anything~~~

But 1 thing I would like to tell you.....Implant種牙 may take risk on failure......not everyone can do. It depend on the bone density...

Fix鑲牙(不可脫) need to extra care in cleaning....otherwise...in my experience, most patient got caries( tooth declay) after several years later because they are not clean thoroughoutly.

The removal is the best way for cleaning but cause extra force on the other tooth and very inconvenience...

hope it's help
參考: I am a dental assistant
2006-12-02 11:46 am
I think 種牙 is like plant a teeth in you mouth, so it will like a real one, and should last forever, but the 鑲牙 is a bit different, like a diamond 鑲 on a gold ring

I am not sure is that right
參考: me

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