國泰的A330 機 - 如果選位坐第30行的E & F , 個位係咪寛d及舒服d?

2006-12-02 9:09 am
因本人要去sydney坐國泰機, 打算做網上預辨登機,我是跟父母去的,怕佢地唔慣坐咁耐機,所以想選個比較寛d的位比佢地坐....唔知第30行的E & F 是否ok?


回答 (3)

2006-12-06 12:46 am
same same la, no different!
2006-12-02 4:48 pm
I am going bak to HK from Syndey too. I am leaving on 4th of December. If you are choosing rooll 30, bad luck lo. I think i am sitting in 30A. Actually, if you want information about seats, go to the website below and it tells you which is the best seats. There are a lot of airlines too, not only CPA

參考: my brain
2006-12-02 9:48 am
Looking at Cathay Pacific seat plans for A330-300, row 30 and 54 are the beginning of each Economy Class sector...
However, as far as I am aware, seats with the extra bit of leg-room are either emergency exit or seats fitted with baby bassinet... But for 30E/F/G/H, they are neither of them... So seat pitch should be similar to all other seats across the Economy cabin...
At the same time, you maybe aware that at the beginning of each section, the front row will be facing the wall... Which means there will be no room to stretch your leg under the seat in front of you... So this row may not be as confortable as you think...
Looking at their seat plans, seats 30A/C/H/K and 54A/C/D/E/F/G/H/K should be the seats with most leg-room... While 30A/C/H/K and 54D/E/F/G will be fitted with baby bassinet while 54A/C/H/K will be the emergency exit row...
Because of that, the front row of each section will not be able to be selected during internet check-in as they will require to give piority to passenger with baby for those baby bassinet fitted seat... And they will need to check if the passenger is fit enough to assist the cabin crew on the emergency exit row...
If you ask me which row would be best to choose, I believe would be row 66~70D/E/G if you are flying as a group of 3 as from row 66, the seat configuation would be 2+3+2 for Economy Class... But row 66 would be the first to change from 4 seats to 3 so you will have to watch movie sideways... So best would be 67~70D/E/G...
Having said that, the toilet for A330-300 on Cathay Pacific will be fitted in the middle of the aircraft... So seems like you will have to make the choice there... Getting extra seat pitch for Economy Class is not so possible with Cathay Pacific...

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