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2006-12-02 8:00 am
Despite the importance being placed on children getting more exercise, parents, teachers and sports instructors should think carefully about how much and what kind of exercise young people are involved in huge increase in the number of children suffering form sports-related injuries. these days children in the United States are running around and playing less on a daily basis. Instead, they are opting for organised competitive sports according to an American expert.

回答 (3)

2006-12-02 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
儘管讓孩童得到更多鍛煉是很重要, 但父母, 老師和體育輔導員應該仔細地考慮到底有多少,并且是什麼樣的鍛煉使大量青少年在運動鍛煉時受傷的情況日益嚴重。 據美國專家認為,現在的美國孩子每天較少在街上到處亂或嬉戲,取而代之, 他們選擇較參與有組織性的競爭體育項目。

2006-12-02 00:33:32 補充:
are running around and playing less on a daily basis.每天較少在街上到處亂跑或嬉戲
2006-12-02 8:09 am
2006-12-02 8:07 am

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