Dial-up account

2006-12-02 7:48 am
I want to apply for a dial-up account for my office.
Does anyone know where to apply for and how much it cost?
Actually, I want a cheaper one.
Thanks for your help

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Usually the ISP (eg. Netvigator) will provide fixed monthly rate in unlimited time plus PNETS charge (about $1.2 per hour which is paid to government) for your application.

Remarks: Dial-up service may not be browsed some of the websites with lot of pictures and it is very slow when sending and receiving emails with large capacity. Moreover, the dial-up service is only a bit cheaper that the boardband.

*Reference wedsite: http://www.netvigator.com

2006-12-02 01:05:24 補充:
Netvigator charges $138 per month (PNETS charge not included)
參考: My own expenience
2006-12-02 7:52 am

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