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2006-12-02 7:45 am
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2006-12-02 7:52 am
About Valentines Day
by Holly Ruggiero

Valentine's Day is named for Saint Valentine or I should say a Saint Valentine. The Catholic Church actually recognizes three different saints all named Valentine (or Valentinus), and all of whom were martyred. There are many myths and legends told of this saint but nothing conclusive. What is more romantic that a mystery?

One St. Valentine is also known as Valentine of Terni and Valentine of Rome. He is the patron saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, betrothed couples, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people.

Now, to make it even more mysterious Valentine's Day has three possible origins: Lupercalia, the death of Saint Valentine, and the mating habits of birds. In all likeness it is a blending of all three.

The Feast of Lupercalia also known as Februarca was The Feast of Purification held on February 15th. Lupercalia was an ancient festival in honor of Lycaeus, who was the wolf mother of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. Februata Juno was the fertility goddess. Young men and women would pull names and then spend the day enjoying each other's company. They were allowed freedom to do whatever they wanted with each other. In an attempt to rid society of yet another pagan ritual, the Church in Rome began replacing the names of the citizens with the names of saints on February 14th.

One, Saint Valentine was believed to be beheaded on February 14th. Legend tells that during the times of the Roman Empire, Emperor Claudius II (known as Claudius the Cruel) disallowed couples to get married. He felt that their hearts belongs to him and the wars he waged and that love and marriage would only cloud their judgment. A priest named Valentine secretly married lovers and when he was caught he was sentenced to death. While in prison awaiting his execution he fell in love with the jailer's daughter. In his final letter to her he signed, "From your Valentine".

Another thought is that it was believed that birds would begin to pair and mate on February 14th. People began associating love and marriage with this date with the notion that "every bird chooses a mate this day".

The number of cards sent on Valentines Day places second only to Christmas/New Year cards. Card giving stems back to when English settlers first arrived in the United States. It was against the law to display affection in public. Giving cards to loved ones was a way of showing one's affection without doing something "illegal" and avoiding public ridicule.

Today, on Valentines Day beaus give their gals flowers, candy, cards, jewelry or some other gift and gals buy that something special for their sweethearts. A candlelight dinner usually follows suit whether it is homemade or at a romantic restaurant. Children and families celebrate too. Children make hearts and valentine crafts in school to bring to their moms and dads and the family might have a special dinner and celebrate the love that keeps them together.

Cool Valentine Stats

24.6 pounds of candy per capita was consumed by Americans in 2003; it is believed a large portion is consumed around Valentine Day. Candy consumption has actually declined over the last few years; in 1997, each American gobbled more than 27 pounds of candy a year.

The combined wholesale value of domestically produced cut roses in 2003 was $52 million for all operations in 36 states, with $100,000 or more in sales. Among all types of cut flowers, roses were second in receipts to lilies ($70 million.

There were 28,914 jewelry stores in the United States in 2002. In February 2004, these stores sold $2.4 billion worth of merchandise ?a much higher total than in the preceding month or succeeding months.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:14:12
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