
2006-12-02 7:32 am

help~~~~!!!!!!! Quickly~~!!!!!!!

      Ten points!!!!!!!

 H E L P !!!!  H E L P !!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2006-12-02 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Greet teachers once has entred the room/ hall. (walking gently, nodding head, smile, say Good monring/afternoon. ) Usually, there is a name-tag in front of each teacher. The pupil could greet the teachers by saying Good morning/ afternoon Mr/Miss/Mrs... If there are no name-tags, just say Good morning/ afternoon Miss/ Sir.
Keep smiling. Be polite. Walk/ sit / stand / speak politely. Use polite wording. Have eye-contacts with the interview board (teachers). Speak up for teachers, but not too loudly to disturb others. Listen carefully.
Don't move hands or shaking legs. Don't bite fingers. Use a handkerchief / tissue when necessary. Say "Excuse me." after sneezzing or coughing.
Remember to say Thank you and Goodbye, and hope to see you again. (that means -- hope can study in this school and meet the teachers again)
Usually, the interview will be conducted in Cantonese and English. Some schools might test pupils in Putonghua. Then speak in Putonghua.
Some useful phrases (if use English in the interview)
- I don't know how to say in English, can I speak in Chinese? (Use Chinese as little as possible. Switch back to English as soon as possible.)
- I can't hear / understand, please repeat for me.
- Pardon? (Ask to repeat or speak louder)
- Sorry
- Thank you
- Greetings: Good morning/ afternoon, nice to meet you. / Goodbye (also useful in Chinese/Putonghua interview, of course, speak in Cantonese/ Putonghua.)
If the child does not know how to answer the question directly, he/she could say: Sorry, I don't know how to say, but... (say something about the topic but have something to say.)
E.g. you have to compete with many more students as to entre into the universities in 2008, what do you think?
The child can say something like,
- I know I have to compete with the F.7 students to entre the universities when I am in F.6. I don't know what will happen exactly at that time, but I know the teachers in this school will help me. I will do my best.
Ask: Do you know how to play (a sport)?
Answer: Sorry, I don't know how to play... but I know how to ... (e.g. swim, dance...) All sports are good for health. Some sports can be played alone, e.g. swimming, cycling. I can play the sport when I like to. Some sports have to play in teams, e.g. playing basketball / football. I like to play in a team (sometimes/ all the time).
**Don't apple polish the teachers. Be polite and have good manners are enough.

2006-12-01 23:52:28 補充:
Questions: what would you like to do in secondary schools? what do you know about secondary school life? which subject you like, why? which subject you like / dislike the most, why? what do you want to learn / know in secondary schools?

2006-12-01 23:53:53 補充:
I don't know if some schools might ask:- what do you want to do in the future? (career)- you have to compete with many more students as to entre into the universities in 2008, what do you think?- do you want to study overseas, why?

2006-12-01 23:58:07 補充:
- how much do you have for your pocket money each (week/ month)? Do you think it is enough?

2006-12-01 23:58:30 補充:
(Teachers might read the report cards and ask questions about it. e.g. you did well in ... but not so well in ... Why? what would you say? Our school wants pupils good at ..., but you are weak in ... Your teacher said that you are ... what do you think/ what would you want to say?)

2006-12-08 16:33:59 補充:
2006-12-15 12:30 am
各學校的面試會有不同...... 問題大致分下列部分

1) 你點解想讀呢間學校?
2) 你自己有咩能力去讀呢間學校?
3) 半分鐘的自我介紹
4) 讀小學時最難忘的事
5) 最喜歡讀的科目? 為什麼?
6) 自己的優點? 可以如何發揮?
7) 自己的不足之處? 可以如何改善?
8) 你覺得中學的學習跟小學的學習有何不同?
9) 你以前參加過什麼課外活動?
10) 你對一些時事的看法...


1) 你為什麼想 貴子女就讀本校?
2) 你認為學校與家長能有什麼的合作使學生能更有效學習?
3) 你怎樣看中學生參加不同的課外活動?
4) 於課外你會怎樣與孩子溫習?
5)  貴子女於校外參加什麼類型的課外活動?對他們有什麼好處?


參考: 經驗之談......
2006-12-02 7:37 am

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