點d 字點用?? (10)

2006-12-02 7:07 am
(1)so that
(2)so as to
(3)instead of (可唔可以咁講, Swimmer will use swimming pool instead of beach)
(4)in order to (用conjunction ge 時候)(後面係咪要 verb/noun)
(5)utilize (用use 有咩分別?)
呢d 字中文解釋點解??
同埋比d 完整句子 我參考下...(最好2句每樣)以便我清楚d thx
thx a lot.

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)so that => 所以
e.g. a) My mother left me a message, so that I know where she is.
媽媽留下了口訊給我, 所以我知道她在哪裏.
b) I have got the permission, so that I can go into the forbidden zone.
我已取得許可証, 所以我可以進入禁區.

(2)so as to => 為了
e.g. so as to get the good exam result, I need to study hard.
為了得到好成績, 我必須努力學習.

(3)instead of => 代替
e.g. I would like to have a cup of milk instead of tea.
Swimmer will swim in swimming pool instead of beach (could be correct~)

(4)in order to => 為了 (+verb) -其實同so as to可以共通.
e.g. in order to get the good exam result, I need to study hard.
**same e.g. as (2)

(5)utilize => 利用
e.g. People are trying to find more ways of utilizing recyclable things.
2006-12-02 7:20 am
(1) so that(ph.)- 為了如此...以至於:以便
example: I want to be a teacher so that I should study hard.
(2) so as to(ph.)- 以便
example: The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.
(3) instead of(ph.) 代替;不...而 (你個句ok)
(4) in order to (ph.)為了... (係用verb)
example: I stopped in order to wait for you
(5) utilize (v.)-利用 (係同use一樣)
參考: 自己

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