咩係suitable preposition??點用??(20點)

2006-12-02 4:50 am
咩係suitable preposition??點用??




回答 (3)

2006-12-03 1:12 am
i dont fink there's any
it really depends on wat u r saying
the example u gave wasnt right
becuz u can use other prepositions after the word ''turn''
such as ''off'', ''against'', ''towards''......

but that's only my comments >.
參考: myself
2006-12-02 6:36 am
你用 TURN ON 時要十分小心,除了指 TURN ON THE LIGHTS, TURN OFF THE FAN 之外,如指人,便不要用,因如果你說:
She turned him on. 那便大鑊,即她令他興奮,即是撻。你可想像個意思。如果你不是這個意思,便會很尷尬。

What he loves about you: you had that special innoncent sweetness that turned him on. You are talkative yourself. You laugh alot and are pretty preppy too. But you were the one that stole his heart. You were much nicer then the other ...
www.xanga.com/ airy88?nextdate=11%2F17%2F2005+1%3A51%3A31.783&direction=n - 55k



Turn (11) Turn against
- Stop liking and start disliking
Turn away
- Not allow someone to enter a place
Turn down
- Reduce volume, temperature, etc.
- Reject an offer, invitation, etc.
Turn in
- Go to bed
Turn into
- Become
Turn off
- Stop a machine
Turn on
- Cause someone to feel attraction or pleasure
- Start a machine
- Attack
Turn out
- Produce
- Produce an unexpected result
- Stop a light
- Attend
Turn over
- Give to the authorities
Turn to
- Try to get help
- Take up a habit
Turn up
- Appear
- Increase volume, temperature, etc.


上面網址 A 至 Z 齊晒,字數所限,只給了 TURN 的 PHRASAL VERBS。 留意,同一個組合如 TURN ON 都有幾個意思。如果你想會考有好成績,便要背熟和做熟 D PHRASAL VERBS,有些會較常用,有些少用,不背晒也要背一半。有些會考專書是講 PHRASAL VERB, F。3 便要開始學開始背,真的要背,不是講笑。
2006-12-02 4:55 am
afraid (of)
concentrate (on)

you can look it up from the dictionary

or buy a book to do some exercise

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