讀完 Diploma of Computer Science 想再升

2006-12-02 2:31 am
我讀完書做左幾年野, 而家想再讀多 d 書,
可唔可以講下邊度有得讀 advanced diploma 或其他課程,
同可唔可以講下升 degree 條路

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
i got some information about ITdegree course, but don'r know if u can dirtect entry finail year or not, cos' it depends what have u studied in you dip course and which school offer the dip for you
i can emial some information to u if u want, the course is provide by a famous UK university and my frined just finished the course, he said it's quit good
my email: [email protected]

2006-12-02 2:37 am
讀完dip 可以讀hi dip, 再升degree, 呢個係hk 政府資助既學校升學途徑
政府資助的, 平d, 入學資格高d, 要讀耐d, 但出來的證書完全被承認
海外個d, 可能2年就拎到degree, 不過貴好多, 一年幾萬, 但好多入學資格都低好多, 但未必個個都被承認, 要小心揀唔同既海外大學, 看排名, 睇下係咩人教, 要小心揀

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