I want to put some songs in my ipod, teach me please

2006-12-02 2:02 am
Help me please

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

2006-12-02 6:53 pm
First of all, you prepare some songs in your computer in certain location ; such as c:\MP3
I suppose you've already installed your ipod on your computer by install ipod setup file.
Download itune 7 from apple.com and install it.
Tell itune database where is your music by clicking the music page of itune; and point out where the songs are.
Open itune 7 and add all your songs to itune by using File ->add directory to database; you need to point out the music directory on your computer e.g. C:\MP3
Then all songs will go to the itune database, you can click database in you left hand side of itune 7 to confirm it.
Plug your ipod then songs will be updated.
Watch you ipod screen and itune status until finished.

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