
2006-12-02 12:08 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Strength - the long history and reputation of the company is the strength, if you ask traveling company, most people in Hong Kong will say this company name, that can proof that they have well-known brand in Hong Kong people, also their service also so good and so many customers satisfy their services, also they provide a lot of trip for differet type customer~
this is their strength~
Weakness - thier price are little bit so high that will affect the decision of customer, so that is thir weakness~

opportunities - nowadays so many mainland tourism come to Hong Kong, they can have more linkage with mainland traveling company to have more business, also nowadays the economy of Hong Kong turn good and the government promote 5 working-days system, people are more willing to put money in travel, they can have a lot of opportunities ne~

threats - as we all know that in traveling industry, it has a lot of companies want to make great profit, the keen competition make the company face a lot of threats~

that is my own personal view of your questions, ofcourse, you can find out some information on the internet~ hope that I can answer your question la~

2007-05-23 7:51 pm

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