
2006-12-01 11:25 pm

還有,injection是否只是屬於打針/ 注射?


回答 (5)

2006-12-02 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
「吊針」應該是: have/has medicine through a drip
「吊鹽水」應該是:have/has glucose liquid through a drip(所謂「鹽水」,其實應該是葡萄糖水)
A drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood.
e.g. I had a bad attach of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.

injection 是注射

2006-12-01 16:25:00 補充:
我也聽過有人統稱「吊針」、「吊鹽水」為drip drop,但暫時未能在字典中找到證明。
參考: Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
2006-12-02 12:31 am
If you are asking how to put in a conversation for 吊針,吊鹽水 in a layman term, you could say:

The doctor is going to put him on drip.

or you could say:

He is on drip for glucose or sodium because he is unable to eat or drink now.

Normally, the doctor will know what are you trying to say if you use the terms [on drip] as this is a very common layman terms to use in the hospital.

As to injection是否只是屬於打針/ 注射? Answer is yes.

There is another informal word for injection is [jab]. For example:

The doctor is going to give him a jab on his buttock (informal way)
2006-12-01 11:38 pm
injection是否只是屬於打針/ 注射?
參考: 字典
2006-12-01 11:36 pm
2006-12-01 11:32 pm

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