[20分]幾樣Grammar問題 一問....THX (urgent!)

2006-12-01 10:58 pm
如果我寫篇essay係present tense, 但去到咁上下我想講下我以前既野, 咁應該點? 條sentence可唔可以又past又present tense咁架?唔得可以點做?

同埋咩時候加auxilary verb...我個frd話我成日多加左aux verb....其實唔需要, 咁應該點判斷?

and點解有D sentences係present tense, 但個verb就係past? 唔係跟have/ has gor bor , 我成日好confuse, 寫present, 咩要變past...

高手唔該指點下我, and 答得detail少少, 有examples

#3) e.g., You will find that hunting is permitted in some refuges.... is permitted


#2)example...emmm....sorry, i forgot what did i write last time....but it was sth like this: INCORRECT: If I am happened to be on the bus during rush hour, I will more than likely not get a seat. CORRECT: If i happen to be on the bus during rush hour, i will more than likely not get a seat.


I know this is called incorrect form of a verb....but wt's that mean actually??o_o i know these questions can be stupid to some people, but i really dun get it...


我中幾? 我"高年級"到嚇死人,== 其實我平時寫野未至於會好好好衰, 我一去到我列出既情況就會出錯LOR....我都唔知我點解會唔曉呢d最基本既野, 可能細個唔努力唔留心, 所以連D 基本功都未分清楚!! passive voice, 我諗我小學肯定學左...但冇pay attention r ma =="

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
[and點解有D sentences係present tense, 但個verb就係past? 唔係跟have/ has gor bor , 我成日好confuse, 寫present, 咩要變past...]

did you mean passive voice?

I eat an apple everyday.
An apple is eaten by me everyday.

or 假設?

If I WERE a bird, I WOULD fly to Thailand in winter.

(since "I" is not really a bird, we use "were". )
If I am a bird, I will fly to Thailand in winter. <-- that's not correct.

2006-12-01 16:47:33 補充:
#3) e.g., You will find that hunting is permitted in some refuges.... "is permitted" is passive voice (被動式)Peter kicks a dog.A dog is kicked by Peter.Peter is kicking a dog.A dog is being kicked by Peter.Peter has kicked a dog.A dog has been kicked by Peter.

2006-12-01 16:47:52 補充:
Peter kicked a dog.A dog was kicked by Peter.Peter was kicking a dog.A dog was being kicked by Peter.Peter had kicked a dog.A dog had been kicked by Peter.Peter will kick a dog.A dog will be kicked by Peter.etc.
2006-12-01 11:50 pm
Just use past tense when the event is past. Surely you can use present tense and past tense in a sentence, e.g., I think I lost my necklace in the party last week.

For auxilary verb, it really depends on the meaning. No fixed rules. Could you please give your examples that auxilary verbs are not needed?

And I don't really understand what you're talking about for your 3rd question. Please give examples.

2006-12-02 01:50:17 補充:
你中幾?學左passive voice未?有d verb係唔可以有passive voice, 如你所舉ge "happen"

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