
2006-12-01 10:10 pm
材料﹏芒果 1隻 淡奶100 ml 熱水 200 ml 芒 果 味 o者 喱 粉 1盒 做法﹏ 。將 o者 喱 粉溶於熱水,攪 溶 ,待 涼 。 。。將芒果去皮,切 粒,留少少弄 成 茸。 。。。當o者 喱 粉變得濃稠時,+入淡奶 及 果 肉 拌 勻 放 進 布 甸 /o者 喱 模 中 (可以去超級市場買or use膠盒) 。。。。之後放在雪櫃冷凍and凝固 (通常我都係雪一晚,第二日就食得,程大約4-6 hours左右)

回答 (4)

2006-12-01 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ingredients: 1 mango, 100ml evaporated milk, 200ml hot water, 1 box of jelly powder
Dissolve the jelly powder in hot water.Stir well.
Peel and dice the mango, press the mango through a sieve to form puree.
Add in the evaporated milk and puree , and mix well.
Serve it onto a plate or jeely cup.
Chill in the refrigerator until set.
2006-12-01 11:16 pm
you can find the web site which has translation servise~
2006-12-01 10:39 pm
materials﹏a mango milk 100 ml hot water 200 ml a box of mango flavor jelly powder

a way of doing ﹏get the mango flavor jelly powder dissolve in hot water,wait them cool(待 涼 。 。。)接著唔識!
2006-12-01 10:13 pm
no ^^

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