which one is better ? w850i ? or 7390 ? or W900i

2006-12-01 9:35 pm
Which one i should be better and stable ?

i heard SE mobile become more stable and Nokia more unstable . however i like the design of 7390 but don't like the color

w850i is latest music with radio mobile .. however the camera is not have the auto focus on camera as 7390

w900i is the one has auto focus and music with radio, but i don't know is that stable as w850i

Does any one has ideas which one seems better ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
我喺呢度唔會俾「功能列表」你. 因為你自己都可以搵到。
(1)論價錢,7390平過W850i(7390:$3380, W850:$3980)。
(2)論相機, 7390有320萬像兼有AF, 而W850i就得200萬像又冇AF。(*注意7390在ZOOM之後會將相片縮細, 例如原本320萬像的相片,在ZOOM 4倍之後會變到得返30萬像)(7390的鏡頭較為廣)
(4)(個人覺得)W850i的「上下左右」鍵都幾實, 有D難禁。
(5)W850i都幾易hang, 或者可以叫佢做反應慢
(6)個人覺得7390個樣就fashion D. W850i就型D

2006-12-01 9:40 pm
w900i or k800i.You can buy o2 or nec.

2006-12-01 13:40:37 補充:
They are better.
參考: me

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