HSBC 的卓越理財戶口

2006-12-01 7:27 pm

我的MFP有20多萬, 股票約25萬, 夠唔夠資格,
如果匯豐唔得, 恆生得唔得呢?

回答 (4)

2006-12-01 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
唔知你講緊係咪"運籌理財"Power Vantage戶口?
好似pedestrian_pooh所講,HSBC的Power Vantage任何人也可以開戶.但100,000元或以上免費,10,000元至99,999元收20元服務月費,10,000元以下收80元月費.
參考: myself
2006-12-06 2:06 am
2006-12-03 12:55 pm
to open a HSBC Premier (卓越理財) account, you should have $1,000,000 asset in HSBC, can be in your MPF & investment account.

after you opened the account and you fail to maintain the balance of $1,000,000, there will be monthly service fee of $40. if you fail to maintain the balance of $500,000, then monthly service fee will become $340
2006-12-02 8:32 pm
I have a 運籌理財 account with HSBC, the altogether balance is about 600,000. They send me an invitation to change it to 卓越理財戶口, but since below 1mil you have to pay fee, so I did not change it.

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