ieee1394 轉到電腦畫面變暗

2006-12-01 6:56 pm
我用ieee1394 線把dv 用xp movie maker 錄到電腦, 但為什麼畫面的亮度比在dv 機睇或放係電視睇 暗 ?
有什麼辨法可以令畫面亮d ?

回答 (1)

2006-12-01 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's usual, since the revolution and refresh rate are different in PC monitor and TV, so even if you use your pc to play a DVD movie, it is darker than you play in TV. so you need to set the contract /bright level in your PC monitor or on the software. I prefer to set it on software level, so that when you switch back to use the computer or other application, it is still using the previous setting.

what software you use to play back the moive after transfer to the windows?

e.g. Mediaplayer, you can adjust the contract and bright level.

P.S. I know some new monitor have the feature to auto-adjust the level, but don't know the preformance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:49:16
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