
2006-12-01 6:34 pm
Mr. Yeung asked all committee members for the schedule. They preferred the meeting hold on 11 Dec 06 in afternoon, would you mind to ask her for this issue?
楊先生問左所有委員會的時間,佢地希望於11/12/2006 的下午時間,請問可否麻煩你問一問 楊小姐呢個時間可以嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-12-01 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, your chinese is not quite understandable...I am guessing the meaning of your writing.

Mr. Yeung asked all the committee members for their next meeting. They preferred to have the meeting on 11th Dec, 2006 in the afternoon. Would you mind to ask Ms. Yeung if she's available at that time?

Important: I noticed that you are kind of translating the paragraph directly from the chinese grammar. DO NOT DO THAT! In English, you have to add 'THE' before almost every singluar noun. For example: The committee, the meeting, the time, etc. You cannot just say 'committee', 'meeting', or 'time'. However, if the noun is plural, then 'THE' can be eliminated. But the condition varies.

Hope this help!
2006-12-01 7:05 pm
Mr Yeung confirm to all committee members for the schedule to preferred the meeting will be hold on 11 dec 06 in the affternoon. can u ask her to attend ?
2006-12-01 6:54 pm
Mr. Yeung has already discussed with all the committee members regarding the schedule, they preferred the meeting to be held in the afternoon of 11th December 2006, would you mind confirming with Miss Yeung about the date and time ?

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