
2006-12-01 2:29 pm
which are the 熱門的主修科目,,,,
some ideas,,,,,and why,,why are they 熱門的主修科目,,,
thank,,,please help,,,,

回答 (4)

2006-12-01 2:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" psychology "

因為社會缺貨呀!而且 psychology 事實幾有趣。
2006-12-03 7:34 am
Accountancy, or Accounting + Finance/Information Systems/Law ....
2006-12-01 9:50 pm
Hotel and Tourism Management are so hot!
because HK Govt. encourage to promote the HK tourism industry for attract mainland and overseas people coming HK
參考: ME
2006-12-01 6:47 pm
business administration
because this is course easy to find a job as have large range of job u could choose.

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