
2006-12-01 2:17 pm
Recent years to the clothing industry influence profoundest was certainly in 2005 textile quota system cancellation.

自從配額取消之後, 全球各地己經有不少製造商爭相進軍中國內地市場,以爭取較低的出口成本.
Cancels since the quota, global each place oneself after has many manufacturers to struggle marches the China market, strives for the low exportation cost.

還有: 雖然這樣會使香港的出口量下降,但是由於有太多的製造廠搬往內地,這也簡接令到香港的轉口量上升. Although can cause Hong Kongs volume of exports drop like this, but because has too many factories to move toward China, this also meets causes Hong Kongs export quantity rise.

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 7:48 pm

[Recent years to the clothing industry] influence [profoundest] was [certainly in 2005 textile quota system cancellation.]

深遠是profound,最深遠的便是the most profound
製衣業是garment industry
對……有影響是to have an impact on ……
對製衣業有最深遠的影響可說成... to have the most profound impact on the garment industry ...

近年是in recent years
連接起來,句子便是: ... to have the most profound impact on the garment industry in recent years ...

的--這個是中文副句的指示詞,英文的用法是在句首加個what(用what因為這句所表達是死物,而「的」所表達是主語): What has the most profound impact on the garment industry in recent years ...

一定是 must be

2005年 in 2005
取消--我提議你用abolishment或lifting (to cancel the quota = 取消以至得零配額,這當然不是你的意思,你是說配額再沒有了,所以用cancel不當)
紡織品的配額制度the quota system on textile products/items
暫時可組成: ... the abolishment of the quota system on textile items in 2005 ...

What has the most profound impact on the garment industry in recent years must be the abolishment of the quota system on textile items in 2005.

由於取消配額是在2005年發生,所以句子用present perfect tense會較順暢:
What has the most profound impact on the garment industry in recent years must have been the abolishment of the quota system on textile items in 2005.

2006-12-01 3:59 pm
Recently, the most profound impact on the clothing industry was the cancellation of the textile quota system in 2005.

Since the cancellation of the quota system, manufacturers in various countries have been emerging into the China market, striving for low exportation cost.

Even though this will cause a decrease in HK's export volume, its 轉口量 will be increased due to relocations of factories into China.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 23:29:48
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