請問有無人知道 清水混凝土 既英文係乜??

2006-12-01 12:56 pm
就係名日本建築師 Tadao Ando 安藤忠雄 最喜愛使用既一種材料,


回答 (2)

2006-12-01 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我search過好多資料﹐發覺好少人用一個特定o既term形容Ando o既清水混凝土建築。
不過Ando o既清水混凝土廣被形容為“smooth-as-silk”! Ando奪Pritzker Prize時﹐官方網站有以下介紹: http://www.pritzkerprize.com/ppg7.htm#...about%20Tadao%20Ando
Ando's concrete is often referred to as "smooth-as-silk." He explains that the quality of construction does not depend on the mix itself, but rather on the form work into which the concrete is cast.
o係Ando眾多作品中﹐位於日本大板o既Church of Light係最為人津津樂道作品之一。介紹該建築o既網頁以“silky smooth concrete”形容Ando作品: http://www.galinsky.com/buildings/churchoflight/
Located in a quiet residential neighborhood in the suburbs of Osaka, the small Christian church made of silky smooth concrete sits modestly within its environment.
既然連Pritzker Prize都話清水混凝土“smooth-as-silk”﹐相信你用“silky smooth concrete”形容此物料亦合適!
2006-12-05 8:16 pm
Concise Term is: Fair Face Concrete.

check out this supplier for some more references...:
參考: me

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