好擔心, 隻仔唔知係咪有病... 請幫忙!

2006-12-01 11:14 am
我隻貓仔(4個月大)食/瞓/玩都無問題, 但就不停咁chok氣管, 好似人打c益咁, 但係無聲嘅. 我有比佢食吐毛膏, 但仍然chok不停. 問過vet, 佢話咁係正常woo...


回答 (2)

2006-12-01 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your cat probably has hairball in her stomache. How often do you feed it 吐毛膏? If it eats regular cat food (for kittens), then you should feed 吐毛膏 every week. Also, you can try 貓草, which you can buy easily at pet shops such as Q-pets. Some catnips (貓薄荷) also have this 吐毛 function too.
參考: I have 2 cats.
2006-12-01 9:02 pm
According to your Q, I believe you didnt bring your kitty to the vet, right?

May I ask if your kitty is a long hair cat or short? How about her bowel movement? How often does she have the bowel movment? If she has constipation, you of course can give her hairball removal gel everyday, one inch each time until the sympton disappear. You can also check her poops by yourself too. Try to feel her poops( feces) either soft or hard? If your cat really has furball inside her intestine, her poops must contain lots of hair. (If you dont know how to feel her poops poops, you can collect some sample and show it to the vet). Also try to groom her hair everyday. If it's really her hairball problem, you may give her can food instead of dry food becos can food is more easy to digest and contain more water.

Do you have a digital camera and has the video recording function? If you do, try to record it when your kitty is "choking/ gagging" again. Show the video to your vet because sometimes it's very difficult for the owners to explain the symptons to the vets easily. Drop down the total gagging times as well.

If she doesnt have hairball problem, how about "ashma"?? If she has ashma problem, she will also have "choking" sympton. If this gagging thing really bother you, I suggest you better bring your kitty to consult your vet asap.

Hope the above infos help you a bit.


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