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其實Tracy呢個名在美國是男女通用了。最出名的一個就是NBA籃球巨星, 與中國姚明同隊打僅Houston Rockets 的 Tracy McGrady, 外號 T-Mac!我估計你的男同學九成九係NBA球迷, 所以改呢個名。
以下是從一些外國改名網站找到的, 作參考
The boy's and girl's name Tracy is pronounced TRAY-see. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "warlike." Surname dating from before the Norman conquest. Also possibly derived from a Norman French place name based on a Gallic Latin personal name, Thrax or Thracius, whose meaning has been lost. Actor Tracey Walter; author Tracy Kidder; basketball player Tracy McGrady.
Tracy has 3 variant forms: Trace, Tracey and Treacy.
順帶一提 Trace 這個男仔名近來越來越流行, 很多小朋友的父母都愛改這個名字, Trace 亦是由 Tracy 變化出來的。