Fixed games?

2006-12-01 2:06 am
Has there ever been a fixed NBA game before or present? I doubt it but sometimes I feel like some teams are playing to lose, anybody feel the same?

回答 (6)

2006-12-01 6:02 am
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The Knicks secretly are the NBA's best team. They sabatoge their games for the pay. I wish they would snap out it and just go out there and win the NBA title this year already.
2006-12-01 9:22 pm
Not today, anyway. These guys get so much money, it wouldn't be worth their while to throw a game. In college ball it has happened several times. But when these guys make a zillion bucks a year, the rewards of point shaving or throwing a game just aren't there. Also the media is on the NBA like white on rice and they would ferret out anything that looked suspicious.
2006-12-01 11:15 am
i know in everu sport like football and baseball and they could never play again probaly in basketball unless there smart.
2006-12-01 10:44 am
2006-12-01 10:13 am
I'd say fixed score for gambling (like this team must win that team by this or that amount or point over or under x amount) but not the game.
2006-12-01 10:09 am
Nope, I disagree. I chose the worst team to play against the all star team and it was on the top level and I won. Close game though

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