w850i ? 7390 ?

2006-12-01 7:27 am
which one is better ?
7390 ? w850i ?
which one is more stable ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-02 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
我喺呢度唔會俾「功能列表」你. 因為你自己都可以搵到。
(1)論價錢,7390平過W850i(7390:$3380, W850:$3980)。
(2)論相機, 7390有320萬像兼有AF, 而W850i就得200萬像又冇AF。(*注意7390在ZOOM之後會將相片縮細, 例如原本320萬像的相片,在ZOOM 4倍之後會變到得返30萬像)(7390的鏡頭較為廣)
(4)(個人覺得)W850i的「上下左右」鍵都幾實, 有D難禁。
(5)W850i都幾易hang, 或者可以叫佢做反應慢
(6)個人覺得7390個樣就fashion D. W850i就型D
2006-12-01 7:49 pm
As the price is similar, I will choose 7390.
Because 7390 have a 3.2mega pixel camera, and w850i have only a 2.0mega pixel camera.
And if you care about the problem of quality, I can tell you that NOKIA is one of the stablest brand in telecom market.

Hope that i can help you~!
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