介紹陳易希的智能杯(20分!!) 急!!

2006-12-01 5:06 am
要英文!! 英文!!

回答 (5)

2006-12-01 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bringing Light to the Blind with 'Smart Cup'
Updated Oct 13 2006 09:52:01 Beijing Time

Source: China Daily

In celebration of the World Sight Day yesterday, local young inventor Chan Yik-hei unveiled his latest invention for the blind, a "Smart Cup" that will prevent water from overflowing.

Chan was appointed the Priority Academy Honourable Scholar of the "Seeing is Believing" (SiB) in 2006, a community programme launched by the Standard Chartered Bank three years ago to raise funds to cure treatable blindness.

The programme has so far raised US.8 million worldwide, thanks to the contribution by the bank's staff, business partners, customers and the members of the public.

The funds raised through SiB have allowed Orbis to provide eye examinations, surgery and treatment to numerous visually impaired patients, as well as restoring eyesight to almost 10,000 patients.

In his role as the honourable scholar of SiB, Chan came into contact with the visually impaired and was inspired to develop more affordable inventions to improve their lifestyle.

"One thing that I noticed was how blind people can burn themselves, when they're pouring hot water into a glass," said Chan. "So I decided to work on a cup that will prevent overflow," he said. The Smart Cup is made of a regular glass and an easy-to-make device. Two pieces of aluminum are glued to the rim of the glass, and connected to a censor and a beeping device at the bottom with electric wires.

The device will give an audible alert when water is about to reach the rim of the glass. It will also give out a vibration, so the user will get the signal even in a noisy area.

SiB ambassador Henry Wanyoike, a visually impaired Kenyan Paralympic gold medallist runner, tried the Smart Cup with Chan. The alert went off as water reached the specified level.

"I'm very excited about the cup," said Wanyoike. "It can make a difference in our daily life and most of us will be able to afford it, since all the components cost less than HK and are readily available at shops," Wanyoike said. As the Smart Cup was conceived as a DIY device, Chan said he would not apply for a patent. He may also conduct workshops to promote the design, so the cup will become a part of the daily life of the visually impaired.

After the cup, Chan will work on inventing learning and reading aids for the blind, such as glasses equipped with image recognition technology.

"In the future I hope to invent more useful and affordable devices for people with other disabilities," Chan said. "They'll most likely be unpatented, so they can benefit as many people as possible," he said.

Editor: Shanna Chu
2006-12-02 5:37 am
咁都得嫁你- -
2006-12-01 5:15 am
明報專訊】少年發明家陳易希(相關新聞 - 網站)獲科大破格取錄後,為失明人士設計了「智能杯」,讓他們斟熱水時不會倒瀉燙傷,連奧運金牌失明跑手昨日試用後亦讚口不絕。

廣 告

雖然會考英語科不及格,陳易希昨日在記者會上仍能用簡單英語向肯尼亞(相關新聞 - 網站)籍跑手講解新發明,又表示宿舍生活令他的英語進步不少,能夠應付大學功課。

斟熱水防燙 成本不用50元




陳易希這名會考英文科不及格的小發明家,昨日用簡單英語向尹約基解釋智能杯,一臉輕鬆,當解釋到為了讓失明人士負擔得起材料費,就說研究時「I focus on the cost」(我眼於成本)﹔被問到智能杯可以用幾多次時,就答「not having limit」(無限)﹔與對方道別時,則拋下一句「nice to meet you」(很高興認識你)。

2006-12-01 5:14 am


Become blind When personage's Zhen water drink, usually would because of not know the water cup when carry full but pour the Xie water, more easy were burned by the hot water.With several"the son of the star" that the invention tees off title Chen easily rare, the metals aluminum slice is equiped by the connection sensor and the toy phonation, making into "the intelligence cup", being the water cup when the water level arrive certain level, the sensor will receive a message, making a noise immediately, becoming blind a personage can control water level then, reducing accident occurrence.

Chen is easily rare to design the intelligence cup for the Standard & Chartered Bank"can see of hope", being water level to touch the aluminum slice, the electric resistance will reduce, and deliver the message to the sensor, Chen is easily rare to point by conceive outline to the design to make in to use for a week, hope make daily life of becoming blind the personage more convenient, plus the intelligence cup to make simply and easily, the townspeople can manufacture by oneself in the home, all original materials all can purchase in the duck Liao street, the cost is low in 20 dollars, the townspeople can also tear down the phonation device of the old toy, lantern, circulation again use.
Maiming the Olympics gold medal becomes blind to run the hand Yin invite the Ji tried out the water cup yesterday, the big and great invention was miraculous and useful, Yin invite the Ji smiled speech, will point the test water cup water level by hand before, since don't get, also pour the Xie water often, the intelligence cup the life that can make to become blind a personage is more independently safe.

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