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2006-12-01 4:57 am

· 簡介

盧 文 氏 樹 蛙 (Philautus romeri) 是 香 港 的 特 有 物 種 , 只 在 本 港 出 現 。 換 言 之 , 如 香 港 的 所 有 盧 文 氏 樹 蛙 死 亡 , 物 種 便 會 絕 種 。

香 港 共 錄 得 22 種 蛙 類 及 蟾 蜍 , 以 盧 文 氏 樹 蛙 的 體 積 最 細 小 。 雌 性 較 雄 性 略 大 , 由 嘴 部 至 尾 部 可 長 至 兩 厘 米 。 身 體 棕 色 , 背 部 有 一 道 深 色 的 交 叉 斑 紋 , 與 四 周 景 物 的 顏 色 十 分 相 似 , 可 發 揮 保 護 色 的 作 用 。

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Little tree frog of Lushi

Brief introduction

The little tree frog (Philautusromeri ) of Lushi is frogs and tiniest in the toads which Hong Kong has already written down. Its average height is 1.5 to 2 centimetres. There are tiny sucking discs on the finger and toe of this tree frog, for use in absorbing branch and leaf in it. Their back is the brown coffee color, and there is stripe of crossing.
Wen Lu's tree frog (Philautus romeri ) is a peculiar species of Hong Kong, appear only in this harbour. In other words, such as the death of tree frog of Wen Lu of Hong Kong, the species will become extinct.

Hong Kong records 22 kinds of frogs and toad altogether, the tiniest with the volume of Wen Lu's tree frog. Female than male and slightly heavy, from mouth to long to two centimetres very tail have. The body is brown, the back has a dark stripe of crossing, very similar to color of the scenery all around, can give play to the role of protective coloration .
參考: 我唔係英國佬
2006-12-01 10:42 am
Brief Introduction

Philautusromeri is the smallest species of under the frog and amphibian group which Hong Kong has on record. They are on average only 1.5 to 2cm in length. This Philautusromeri has sucking disc on its fingers and toes for attaching onto branches and leaves. Their back is brown with crossing lines.

Philautus romeri is a special species that is only found in Hong Kong. In other words, if these Philautus romeri in Hong Kong are dead, the type will come to an extinction.

A total of 22 types of frogs and amphibian are recorded in Hong Kong and the Philautus romeri is the smallest. The female is slightly bigger than the male with the mouth to tail to a length of 2cm. The body is brownish colour with a very dark crossing lines at the back. It looks very similar to the surrounding environment which will serve as a camouflage colour.

2006-12-01 02:43:04 補充:
---I studied in the US, I am not British.

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