2nd interview

2006-12-01 3:40 am
我想知如果1st interview 時考咗我的基本語文和打字能力, 和我傾了工作經驗等, 2nd inteview 會有什麼嘢in?
請指教, thx.

回答 (3)

2006-12-03 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實 1st in 同 2nd in 問既野都差唔多,一般 1st in 係見 HR,2nd in 係見你上司,

最緊要諗定 d 問題問 interviewer,可以問關於份工,你的職責;關於公司,有幾多員工?你個 dept 有幾多人?甚至關於你上司既職責,甚至更簡單的問你的 dress code,要俾佢覺得你對份工好有興趣。

放鬆 d,去得 2nd in,其實機會都好大。
參考: 個人經驗,見親都請
2006-12-01 7:11 am
1st interview係咩人見你?知唔知2nd in會係咩人見?
你當係1st in咁prep就得
2006-12-01 3:43 am
First, which industry are u planning to join?

2nd interview, probably test your customer skills and introducing yourself in front of others.

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