Where is Airbus airline from?

2006-12-01 3:19 am
Where is Airbus airline from?

回答 (4)

2006-12-02 1:00 am
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The main manufacturer company is at France
2006-12-02 7:10 pm
While the headquarters of Airbus is in France (Toulouse), the components of a plane are manufacturered in different countries in Europe, mainly UK, Germany, France, Spain, etc. The components will be shipped to France for assembling.
2006-12-01 2:38 pm
Airbus itself is not an airlines... Airbus itself is a aircraft manufactory base in Toulouse and have factories across Europe... Although Airbus is not an airlines but it do have airlines IATA/ICAO code allocated to them which are XL/AIB...
This is mainly because Airbus is required to operate flights to shuttle parts between their factories across Europe using their A300ST... And these flights will carry Airbus IATA/ICAO code and operate with Airbus livery...
Beside that, Airbus is also required to operate test flights before a new aircraft is being delivered to airlines for revenue operation... And these IATA/ICAO code will also be used at these situation although now the livery will be the airlines which will be taking delivery of the jet...
2006-12-01 3:41 am
Airbus is not airline. It is an airplane manufacturer. Their headquarter is located at Toulouse, France.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:09:29
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