crime 既verb係咩?(10 marks!!!)

2006-12-01 3:18 am
crime 既verb係咩?

係有verb架.... 一個字果隻....

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
criminalize (這個較常用)

1. 宣告...為犯法行為;判定...為非法事件

Bush To Criminalize Protesters Under Patriot Act Bush To Criminalize Protesters Under Patriot Act. By Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse. 1-13-6. George Bush wants to create the new criminal of "disruptor" who can be jailed for the crime of "disruptive behavior. ... - 26k -


1. 使負罪;責備
2. 控告;告發

criminate v 1: bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "He charged the man with spousal abuse" [syn: accuse, ... To criminate, with the heavy and ungrounded charge of disloyalty and disaffection, an uncorrupt, independent, ... - 5k

criminated against because of such reasons as race,. colour, gender, marital status, religion, political opinion, ... criminated against and exploited. Children in some of. these groups are more likely to drop out of school; adults ... -

2006-11-30 21:23:11 補充:
至於說 CRIME 可作為 VERB, 雖然 YAHOO 字典這樣說,但網上搜尋器找不到,我也從未見過。
參考: yahoo dict
2006-12-01 3:24 am
crime is a noun 犯罪活動 , 不法行為
If you want to change it into a verb, you have to say: to commit a crime 犯罪

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