
2006-12-01 2:38 am
本人做社會服務令已一段時間,但中途又再犯罪,係police station已認,現在等上庭,事件嘅對方已幫我發出張求情信,法庭會否即時判我入牢呢?或等到上庭時唔認罪,再等下一堂時先認會比較好呢?因我社會服務令做到1月就完,到下一庭時我社會服務令都已過,會否輕D呢?亦都想知道真係用這方法會否坐牢呢?

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Normally, the court will give you discount in sentencing if you plead guilty at the first available opportunity. Changing pleads may do you harm. Try to obtain legal advice from a criminal lawyer.
參考: My legal knowledge
2006-12-01 4:12 am
Depending on the charge. If it is a serious charge, you will likely be sentenced to jail. Because you have already been dealt with leniently....the chance of a light sentence is unlikely.

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