我諗一諗, 睇下點樣講比你知 ! (英文點講啊 ?)

2006-12-01 1:19 am
有一個鬼婆問我一d 問題,
我想答 "我諗一諗, 睇下點樣講比你知 ! "
I think mins , and than tell you (咁樣講岩唔岩 ?)


回答 (5)

2006-12-01 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me think how to put it to you.
put it to 簡單指「講」, 但亦可以指「選擇一個合適的表達方法」.
亦可以說: Give me a minute to think how to put it to you.
"A minute" 並非真係指一分鐘, 而係指「畀少少時間我...」

2006-11-30 17:30:50 補充:
如果你真正意思係「解釋」則用 explain it 代替 put it 會更貼切.

2006-11-30 17:34:52 補充:
如果你係要時間諗點樣用英文講出來, 則可以用 Give me a minute to think how to say/express it in English (不用 tell)
2006-12-01 2:32 am
It is actually wrong.
You should say: Give me some time, and I'll answer you later.
Please wait for a while, I have to think about it.
Please give me some time, I am thinking about it.

2006-11-30 18:32:45 補充:
Let me think it over and tell you the answer.

2006-11-30 18:33:29 補充:
I have to figure the answer. Please be patient.
參考: my help
2006-12-01 1:49 am
I think it over and will tell you later.
2006-12-01 1:31 am

let me think how to tell you about that.

2006-11-30 17:32:12 補充:
漏咗個字let me think on how to tell you about that
2006-12-01 1:29 am
Maybe you can say so:

" I need some time to think about it and figure out how to tell you."

Or you can take:

" I need some time to think about it and I will tell you later."

" I think mins , and than tell you " is not correct gramatically and it sounds to be Chinese-English

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