日文的 你 我 他 點講同點寫?

2006-12-01 1:07 am
我發覺日文的 "我" 有不同寫法
有d人用 僕 
有d人用 私
電車男用 俺

回答 (2)

2006-12-04 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
by peter

PS: E-mail : [email protected]
2006-12-01 2:53 am
僕(boku) is used by man... but nowadays, girls also use boku to identify themselves... so you can hear from girl's song that they use boku as well... but normally, it is used by boys...

私 (watashi) is more general... both girls and boys can use... and when you have to talk with ppl with higer ranking than you, you have to use watashi...

俺(ore) is boy's word again... girls seldom use ore to identify themselves...

Instead, girls can use あたし...

For 你, you can use あなた Or 君 (kimi) or あんた (anta) or お前(omae)!
but indeed japanese seldom use anata to mean 'you'... if you know the person's name, it is better to call them by names, instead of anata.. and wife will call husband anata and this is similar to calling them 'darling'~~~
and kimi is usually used by man... among friends~~ and omae is also man's word... a bit rude to call ppl omae~~ Usually use when scolding ppl~~~

他 ... if it is she, it will be 彼女(kanojyo) and he will be彼 (kare)...

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