~~ $ 顯示卡 $

2006-12-01 12:38 am
一張玩到BF2 or BF2142 既顯示卡要幾多錢
係要有256MB 同埋都算係好好用的 唔會話好廢
我預算係$500-$700 平 靚 正
當然貴過d 都可以接受
<~~~ 主機板ASRock P4i65G

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
For normal quality, you may choose GeForce 7600GS or 7600 GT, which will cost you around 700 to 1200 HKD.

For better gaming experience, choose GeForce 7900GTX or 7950 GX2, those will cost you around 2000 to 4000

For the best experience you may choose GeForce 8800GTS or 8800 GTX, those will cost you around 4000 to 5000.

However, your motherboard only supports AGP interface, therefore, the best grpahics card that you can get is 7600GT. You better upgrade your motherboard and CPU. Also, make sure that you have 2GB RAM for better experience on BF2142 since it uses a lot of resources of your computer.
2006-12-01 12:41 am
1000$-2000$= =

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