why we will have "Chicken Pox"?

2006-11-30 9:23 pm
why we will have "Chicken Pox"?

回答 (3)

2006-11-30 9:35 pm
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Chickenpox, also spelled chicken pox, is the common name for Varicella simplex, classically one of the childhood infectious diseases caught and survived by most children.

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans. It starts with conjunctival and catarrhal symptoms, moderate fever and then characteristic spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pox (pocks), small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.

Chickenpox has a two-week incubation period and is highly contagious by air transmission two days before symptoms appear. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Recurrent chickenpox is fairly rare but more likely in people with compromised immune systems.

Symptomatic treatment, with calamine lotion to ease itching and paracetamol (known in the U.S. as acetaminophen) to reduce fever, is widely used.

Chickenpox is rarely fatal (usually from varicella pneumonia), with pregnant women and those with depressed immune systems being more at risk. Pregnant women not known to be immune and who come into contact with chickenpox may need urgent treatment as the virus can cause serious problems for the fetus.

Later in life, viruses remaining dormant in the nerves can reactivate causing localised eruptions of shingles. This occurs particularly in people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, and perhaps even those suffering sunburn. Unlike chickenpox which normally fully settles, shingles may result in persisting post-herpetic neuralgia pain.

A chickenpox vaccine has been available since 1995, and is now required in some countries for children to be admitted into elementary school unless the parent/guardian submits an exemption. In addition, effective medications (e.g. aciclovir) are available to treat chickenpox in healthy adults and immunocompromised persons.



2006-11-30 9:34 pm
Chickenpox, also spelled chicken pox, is the common name for Varicella simplex, classically one of the childhood infectious diseases caught and survived by most children.
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans. It starts with conjunctival and catarrhal symptoms, moderate fever and then characteristic spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pox (pocks), small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.
Chickenpox has a two-week incubation period and is highly contagious by air transmission two days before symptoms appear. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Recurrent chickenpox is fairly rare but more likely in people with compromised immune systems.
Symptomatic treatment, with calamine lotion to ease itching and paracetamol (known in the U.S. as acetaminophen) to reduce fever, is widely used.
Chickenpox is rarely fatal (usually from varicella pneumonia), with pregnant women and those with depressed immune systems being more at risk. Pregnant women not known to be immune and who come into contact with chickenpox may need urgent treatment as the virus can cause serious problems for the fetus.
Later in life, viruses remaining dormant in the nerves can reactivate causing localised eruptions of shingles. This occurs particularly in people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, and perhaps even those suffering sunburn. Unlike chickenpox which normally fully settles, shingles may result in persisting post-herpetic neuralgia pain.

Classifications and external resources

Child with varicella disease










ped/2385 derm/74, emerg/367




2006-11-30 9:34 pm
Chicken pox is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, one of the herpes viruses. Other herpes viruses include herpes
simplex, that produces cold sores, and the Epstein-Barr virus that causes glandular fever.

Chicken pox is very infectious. A child who has not yet had it before, and who comes into contact with an infected person, will
almost certainly catch it. Children with chicken pox are infectious from about two days before to six days after the appearance
of the rash, by which time the last crop of blisters should have crusted over.
The virus is spread either by direct contact with a person with active chicken pox or shingles, or by indirect contact with clothes
or other articles infected with vesicle fluid, saliva, nasal discharge etc, or by airborne spread of small droplets of infected mucous
or vesicle fluid.
To prevent further spread of chicken pox children should be kept off school for six to seven days until all the blisters have crusted
over. Shingles cannot be caught from chicken pox.

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