Computer Problem

2006-11-30 8:08 pm
I can't open my computer...
After logo in, it cannot show the desktop. Even wait for half an hour....

What can I do????
I tried with saft mode. That's the same.

Please help

回答 (3)

2006-11-30 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2006-12-02 01:36:22 補充:
you can try to go into safe mode, then go to control panel, administrative tools, services, disable Web Client and Wireless Zero Configuration. then restart and try againP.S you must use DISABLE, not stop

2006-12-05 09:18:33 補充:
2006-11-30 8:39 pm
After login
Press Alt+Ctrl+Del
Run command "explorer"
參考: The method may be possible
2006-11-30 8:17 pm
可否說多些? 不太清楚你的情況~

你意思是否開機後, load至 windows (xp, me, 98...) 個個logo就唔郁??

如果出事前沒有換過硬體的話, 多數是windows出現程式問題, 可試試用window碟boot機, 選修復window看看行不行

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