
2006-11-30 7:41 pm
1.Give ONE example of energy. Describe why it is considered “renewable”.
2.Describe the working principle of producing such energy.
3.Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the energy source.
4.Are there any environmental destruction of using renewable energy resources? (e.g. hydropower, geothermal)
5.Is it suitable in Hong Kong? Why or Why not?
I need the information for doing Power Point~
So the information need to be long~

回答 (2)

2006-12-05 9:02 am
tidal energy
renewable, since there is tide everyday brought about by the movement of the moon
wave rotates turbines
ad: renewable, low air pollution
dis: expensive to build, generate energy only twice a day

solar energy
renewable, since sun always give out em wave
collect by solar panels
ad: low air pollution, low water pollution, renewable
dis: solar energy is diffuse, need wide area to collect, expensive
not in Hong Kong, since not enough space

renewable, unless water dries up in river
change potential energy of water (at waterfall) to kinetic energy in turbine
ad:renewable, low air pollution
dis: destroy habitat of fishes, affect ecosystem
not in HK, since no gd waterfall

renewable, since core of earth is always hot enough
core of earth heat up water, and steam push turbine
ad: permanent supply
dis: very expensive

wind energy
renewable, since wind is renewable
wind push turbine
ad: low air and water pollution
dis: wind does not always blow, need many windmills to provide enough energy
參考: physics notes

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