Potential to Contribute

2006-11-30 2:57 pm
what contibution can a student bring to a university? (USA)

any example? I am lookoing for idea.

回答 (2)

2006-11-30 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may want to stress on the "diversity, with examples" that you will be bringing to the University. There is no right or wring answer for this kind of question; however, they want to see your thinking process.
2006-11-30 4:08 pm
i will bring pride to the school. bring pride to the school from my attendence. the best student goes to the best university. during my years in college, i would actively participate in different activities that help give back to the school and society. i believed that the school will make the best out of me and i would make the best out of myself to give back.

applying to UCs? who knows how to answer that question perfectly. i guess you just bull shit on that one. they want to know what benefits they can get from you.

2006-11-30 08:09:04 補充:
bull sh*t

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