有關去london 住兩個幾月的問題。

2006-11-30 10:24 am
請幫幫忙! 我會係Jan - March 到Central Saint Martin AND London College of Fashion take short courses, 大約係london 留兩個幾月, 希望可給我一些建議。

1. 係london 留兩個幾月, 交通方面應該買邊種ticket最實惠?

2. 我會係Central Saint Martin AND London College of Fashion take course, 請問住邊度會最平 同 方便? 係咪住hostel會最抵? 邊幾間會抵d 呢? 我對住宿既要求係乾淨, 有暖氣, 獨立單人房, 最好有書枱, 及有internet service(不過這兩樣無都唔緊要, 最緊要平....因為住成二個幾月..)

3. 住番係果二間院校的hostel會唔會比係其它地方搵既貴呢?

4. 如果有建議, 麻煩請註明有冇獨立浴室....不過我估多數都無ga la.....

5. 如果可以, 請提供該住宿的訂購方法..


回答 (2)

2006-12-04 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Um...just depends on wht u need...just see how do u get to sch from the place u live..if u hv to take bus only...then u can buy bus pass...if u hv to take tube+bus then buy travel card la...it would be much more cheaper then pay by cash each time. U can also buy an oyster card (= octopus in hk).

2+3. I m now studying in UAL and living in the school acommmodation...most of the sch acommodation are single room with private bathroom...the most expensive one is around 110pounds/week (that's I m living in)...if u want cheap sch acommodation...then maybe u hv to choose some houses away from zone 1.(like furzedown hall in zone 3, but u hv to share room and bathroom with others. )...as I know...if u rent a room outside,
the price is more or less the same...but u should know that...most of the hall are not so close to colleges...u hv to travel by bus/tube to sch in stead of walking. Also, I m not sure whether u can find a place in the sch acommodation now...coz it's very popular...u should ask the sch acommodation office..

Facilities re ok in the room...except in some hall...u hv to pay for internet service while in some u dun...or even in some hall, there is no internet facilities in the room...u should ask before u make the decisions...coz if u hv to pay...it's very expensive....I paid around 250pounds for a year.

every hall of our sch is quite different....as u re applying for the hall so late...i think u can only choose hall in zone 2/3...nd unfortunately...i think these hall are quite insecure as i m living in one of those...

Anyway, GD luck
參考: my experience as a student in UAL
2006-11-30 10:51 am
1. 睇你需唔需要經常搭車,如要的話,買月票應該係最化算的。倫敦的月票係地鐡巴士任搭。

2. 根據你的住宿要求,我諗除o左住hall之外無乜B&B同Hostel可以乎合你的要求。暖氣十間有九間都有!但平的Hostel經常就同其他人share房間(同越多人share越平),好少見會有單人房、廁所、廚房。通常係lok-架床、無乜私人空間、無書枱、上網要另收費。(估計約25鎊一晚﹐和約15人一間房)

3. 就算係貴,都住得近學校O的呀!仲有,設施、保安一定好過HOSTAL同b&b

4. 我以前住的hall有房有獨立浴室,但當然會貴o的喇!建議你問學校

5. 你可上http://www.hostelworld.com/ check 有關hostel的資料
參考: 自己

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