用on fire造句,有無人可以幫下我,要交功課,只需九個字〔急、英文〕

2006-11-30 9:24 am
用on fire造句,有無人可以幫下我,要交功課,只需九個字〔急、英文〕

回答 (5)

2006-11-30 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you keep on playing with matches, your house will eventually be on fire one day.
2006-12-01 12:56 pm
you can also use:
to go on fire
eg The house went on fire.
2006-12-01 12:24 am
Dad disposed the cigarette on the blanket and made it on fire.
2006-11-30 11:13 am
When the house is on fire , I call the police .
2006-11-30 9:52 am
you look like so worried to find someone complete your home work regarding on fire.

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