Eating to many eggs?

2006-11-29 11:26 am
My Boyfriend eggs lots of eggs mostly every day egg sandwiches and omlets. Hes always done this, we have noticed that he seems to get all the cols and flu bugs which are going round he is a very active 25 year old just wondered if eggs have any bad effect on the body and immune system.

回答 (38)

2006-11-29 12:26 pm
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Eggs don't contribute to getting a cold or a flu, nor do they contribute to bad cholesterol (yes, it's true!).
However, if he's really eating eggs EVERY single day, chances are he's leaving something else out of his diet.
Make sure he's getting at least a little protein from other sources, and that he's not leaving out fresh fruits and veggies, and whole grains and all the rest.
I'd wager it's not the excess of eggs, but a lack of vitamins from fresh fruit & veggies that are contributing to his low immune...
And taking an echinacea supplement can't hurt, but make sure he checks with his doctor first, as for any supplement.
2006-11-29 11:53 am
To answer the cholestorol part of the question. Eggs DO contain cholestorol, but it has been found that eating eggs has no cholesterol raising effects, it is one of the good cholesterols.
2006-11-29 12:45 pm
My dad eat eggs for his lunch all his working life and he lived to be 90 so there must be some good in them##########
2006-11-29 12:31 pm
If you eat so many eggs, you'll eventually turn into a giant egg.
2006-11-29 11:36 am
Eggs do not cause colds, viruses do. Wash hands frequently.

Fertile eggs help reduce bad cholesterol.
2006-11-29 11:29 am
Not that I'm aware...I eat eggs every day and I never get sick.

Get him to up his vitamin c intake
2006-11-29 11:29 am
he,s got bird flu..
2006-11-29 11:02 pm
What's the difference between a medicine and a poison?.......The dose!

and this applies to anything you put into your body.

The fact your boyfriend catches everything may be due to innumerable factors and is unlikely to be just eating lots of eggs. However, not having a balanced diet will definitely lower your immunity.

Eggs contain lots of protein, but also lots of fats, some of which are not good in large quantities and this has been proven in experiments.

My advice to answer your question would be to try different foods and a more balanced diet and see if your boyfriend's general health improves.

Good luck
2006-11-29 9:34 pm
It's better for your boyfriend to eat them than to lay them; it's the lesser of two evils!
2006-11-29 12:32 pm
you might get salmonella. or maybe just die from obesity.
2006-11-29 11:35 am
he will fart and have high cholestrol
2006-11-29 11:32 am
it's prob other factors eggs are good protein but too many are bad for cholesterol and generally too much dairy is never good for the body get him vitamin supplements def vit c and Echinacea for the immune system
2006-11-30 4:41 pm
Best remind him what Happened to "Humpty - Dumpty" He never got over it ????
參考: "Cracked" --- beyond repair
2006-11-30 2:06 pm
Well Tammy hello!! eggs are not responsible for your boyfriend getting colds and flue you will just have to find another scape goat perhaps look at his diet in general.

I am a vegetarian and eggs are my main diet I don't eat meat etc., and I can eat as many eggs as I wish.

If your boyfriend eats meat then the cholesterol factor will need to be considered however even if he is 25 years young and active.

It is fine to go to work on an egg and better still if it is a free range chucks that laid the (egg) for their health and well being as well as your boyfriend.

I have my very own girls and boy rooster "Arnold" running around my large garden and also ducks and geese their egg is enormous and oh boy the colour of their yoke is super orange I don't give or use any chemicals.

I very rarely have colds or flue but my birds are healthy outside fowl that are weathered themselves and have excellent immune systems. My fowl are not stuck in an cage (egg factory) production line with less room than what they had when the were unborn in their mothers egg. Perhaps your boyfriend needs to check the source of his eggs in fairness to all round health and walfare.

Just an idea that springs to mind with my own son clothes attire I myself need to go out to brave the cold north Atlantic wind hail rain or sunshine in all days -does he wear an undervest and a substancial pair of under pants not g strings and preferable layers of clothes when he has to be outdoors.

I dont know if he works indoors or outdoors but some people are like hot house plants and when they go outside they have light flimsy clothes on and catch the cold very easily hope this helps get your man sorted.

Another thought when your make him a lovely soup with lots of organic vegtables pulses etc., or Irish stew put in loads of garlic - this will keep away colds flue and anything else that pops up for starters the down side you may need to keep your distance just kidding.Lol
2006-11-30 1:41 pm
Too many eggs in a short period of time can make you @Egg Bound' - this can lead to constipation! Not pleasant!
2006-11-30 1:17 pm
does he actually crave them i.e. cannot go without? unbeknown to me i had severe anaemia for a long time and got food cravings which apparently are symptomatic. Mine was for nuts, seeds and carrots, couldn't get enough of them but now i'm well again i can't eat 'em.
2006-11-30 1:12 pm
would not like to be u in bed with him! lol
2006-11-30 12:38 pm
Well it would harm his socail life if he wants to smell like ***...
2006-11-30 11:41 am
I would love to be able to eat eggs as they are so versatile. Unfortunately I am alergic to them. (well I was as a child and don't really want to try one now) They say "an egg a day is OK"
2006-11-30 11:38 am
i don't think eggs, are causing him to catch all these colds !
A few years ago i had a persistent cold/cough that wouldn't go!!! went to a Chinese herbalist and he gave me these herbs to boil and drink!
he did give me a few foods to avoid as they PRODUCE mucus and those were dairy products and bananas. if you are prone to colds we should stay away from these foods! especially winter time when the se virus's are rampant!!!
2006-11-30 11:18 am
This is a case of having too much of a good thing! While eggs are very nutritious and full of protein they are also very high in cholesterol!
A way for your boyfriend to 'have his cake and eat it' would be to make his omelette's' with three egg whites to one egg yolk. There is no cholesterol in egg yolk.One large egg = approx 100 calories one egg white =17 calories ... one egg yolk = 73 calories.
He needs lots of deep coloured fruit and veg ie. blueberries, strawberries etc and broccoli, carrots tomatoes etc to boost his immunity. Tell him to try to get 5+ portions of fruit & veg daily and he will reduce the number of coughs and colds he gets. Promise!
2006-11-30 10:26 am
It's probably not good for him and he should try and get onto a more balanced diet. Life is all about balance in my opinion, not too much and not too little.
2006-11-30 7:16 am
It does have a bad effect on the body but not on the immune system.Tell him to lessen the quantity of eggs he eats every day.
2006-11-30 12:37 am
to much of a good thing sometimes can do more harm than good. dont he f--t a lot?
2006-11-29 11:09 pm
yes they do remember it only takes one bad 1and too much of anything is bad
2006-11-29 10:27 pm
I don't know what happens when you eat too many eggs, but a doctor told me that your not supposed to eat more than two in one sitting and no more than three in a week.
參考: Dr. Madden.
2006-11-29 10:26 pm
I remember an Old Chinese Saying, that eat too much egg will get you Hernia & swollen testicle.
Believe or not is up to you!!!
2006-11-29 9:57 pm
You are what you eat
2006-11-29 7:49 pm
i heard somewhere that you are only supposed to eat 2-3 in some time frame, it could have been a day or a week. But 3 a week is nothing! Until someone shows us why eating too many eggs is bad (aprt from colesteral then i shall continue to eat)

I eat 2 every morning and i'm fit, eggs contain zinc and other goodies for the immune system.
2006-11-29 12:18 pm
think i read somewhere that your only supposed to eat 1 or 2 eggs a week, cause eating more can be bad for you.
2006-11-29 11:40 am
I have heard that you should only eat three to four eggs a week. Has he never heard the phrase "Too much of a good thing?" x
2006-11-29 6:39 pm
It shouldn't really have an effect on his immune system, but he should vary his diet a little more.

He might also consider the fat in eggs that might have an adverse effect upon his blood cholesterol levels.

Why don't you get him to give tofu or something else a try if he doesn't like meat or fish?
2006-11-29 2:18 pm
Eating too many eggs is not good as far as getting high cholesterol goes, but I dont think that it can cause you to get colds a flu anymore than a person who eats no eggs, BUT he must make sure that he eats a balanced diet, lots of fruit and veg as well as the eggs and being outside in the fresh air everyday for some exercise also helps his immune system to fight off colds and flu type viruses. Also I read somewhere that if eggs carry a virus or germs its usually the shell that carries it (after all where to eggs leave the chicken?) so always make sure that the outside of the shell never comes into contact with the egg you eat.
2006-11-29 11:29 am
2006-11-29 11:28 am
Have you seen the film "Cool Hand Luke"

That guy eats fifty eggs...

2006-11-29 11:28 am
Eating too many eggs will cause high cholestrol and you can get high cholestrol at any age.
2006-11-29 12:13 pm
eating lots of eggs will definetly raise up the cholesterol level in blood which predisposes to presenile athersclerosis and coronary heart diseases.
this besides eating high protein diet will affect his liver function by time,
2006-11-29 11:32 am
I don't know whether there's a link between eating eggs and the flus that your boyfriend's getting. Maybe his diet is lacking in vitamin C. Is he eating too little fruit and veg? There's one thing I am sure about eating too much eggs --- too much cholesterol!

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