
2006-11-30 6:54 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-30 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以看經濟日報或星期六的東方日報, 會有所有基金的表現. 你可看他介紹的基金的往績. 基金要留意首次認購費, 行政費(基金在分紅前自行扣減).及贖回費

投資年期 股票基金 債券基金
1年內 4% 3%
2年內 3% 2%
3年內 2% 1%
4年內 1% 0%
超過4年 0% 0%

參考: www.hsbc.com.hk
2006-12-06 5:07 am
You can go to ask some advises from professional independent financial analyst and usually they give you advice for free. (for some companies I know only, I don't know others) I suggest you find an independent one because they usually would not bias certain company's fund. For example, if a financial advisor is working in AIA, they surely would say their company's product is the best and these answers are meaningless to you.

After asking their advise, you can compare that with your friend's saying and you would know if you friend is telling you the best way to buy fund. You can contact me if you want some free advise. ^^

email: [email protected]
phone: 92671760
2006-12-01 7:11 am
買基金是一個長遠的計劃, 應該知多d先好去買, 好過淨係聽朋友講. 其實朋友新入行唔緊要, 有邊個一開始唔需要人俾機會自己Y, 個個都係邊學邊做ga la. 最緊要都係個人可唔可靠. 做這類計劃前應留意其收費, 基金的選擇, 計劃的靈活性等等. 另外, 基金計劃是有一筆過投資的, 有年期限制, 一般為五年, 但其間可提款. 而經銀行買就不受年期所限. 對於不同基金計劃的詳細內容可發 mail 問我, 答到的都會盡量回答 [email protected]
2006-12-01 2:10 am
If you are going to invest a lump sum, you better ask your friend to invest into two to three separate fund, such as bond fund (lower risk), equity fund. Because the fees are normally in % basis, so invest in a single fund, or several make no big different in the fees, but the risk will be much lower.
我又想知基金可唔可以用一筆錢買左,等幾年後連本帶利取回? yes, normally you can sell it whenever you like. But profit or loss is depends on the market price.
2006-11-30 10:23 am
因為一筆過的風險是大過月供的。月供可以享有 DCA 平均成本法。
同埋,睇返是 Direct Fund 還是 Mirror Fund,不同性質適合不同的人。

我自已有睇開一些參考書,你需要的話,我可以比 d 書名比你。你之後可以自已去書店睇、或者買黎睇。Anyway,買基金唔同買雞蛋,就算買雞蛋,依家買蛋都起碼要知道佢係來自邊到,如果來自蘇丹紅的地方就唔好買。所以,最好有一定的 concept 先好去買基金。單單信的話,無事的話,就最好。有事的話,就傷感情就唔好。所以,要均真 d,明文規定就最為公平。

如果單單信朋友買的話,要留意你朋友跟的 team 是否率數率得好勁,做唔夠數就要走果類。係的話,佢開唔夠單就要走人,到時邊個跟你張單呢?因為跟單是無傭收的。所以,要留意呢樣野。& 你個 fd 的心,睇下真係幫你,定純粹開單為傭金。

Good Luck~~

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